5 Things Everyone Should Know About Identity Theft

By North American Life Plans

1. You’re Only As Safe As Your Weakest Link
The challenge in protecting your identity is that your personal information is everywhere. Even if you shred your private documents or use secure Websites and strong passwords, what about everyone else who has your Social Security number -- like your doctor, dentist or the 17-year-old clerk handling your credit application at the electronics store? You may be doing everything right, but what about everyone else who has your information.

2. Once Your Social Security Number Is Out, It’s Staying Out
If your credit or debit card is stolen, you can replace it, but what about when non-changing information like your Social Security number is stolen? Identity thieves buy, sell and trade stolen information, using it over and over for years.

3. Anyone Can Be A Target
Even the chairman of the Federal Reserve was one of the 9.9 million Americans who were victims of identity theft in 2008.

4. How Protected Are You?
Your credit card may be safeguarded; but that won’t help if thieves open new lines of credit. Credit monitoring will only alert you once something bad has already happened. It doesn’t help prevent identity theft nor resolve problems once you’ve become a victim.

5. There Is Help
LifeLock, the leader in identity theft protection, is available through your KRTA membership for only $8.99/month for individuals and $14.99/month for couples. To sign up, call North American Life Plans toll-free at 1-888-362-1214 weekdays between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm Eastern Time. (Not available in Florida.)